Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ1- Human prospect

DQ1- Human prospect

Q Your first graded assignment is to read "Aristotle's Wrongful Death", posted under the "Assignments" link on the left sidebar. After you have read and digested the article, post your response to the issues raised. You will receive the grade of 100, provided you post three times. After you post your initial response, then you will need to post twice more, in response to other student's perspectives, or a follow up on your initial post. I will be prompted to grade you once you have completed your third response.

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The issues raised by the article are truly something serious. As a student, we really need to think that what is more important—the income raising courses or the major subjects that includes sociology, political science, or philosophy. Yes, indeed we need colleges to provide us placements because we invest so much money in our studies but dropping these majors is not a good idea.